Food forest “Herbs”, reconnection with nature, part 3.

Sequel to Blog: Food forest “vegetables”, reconnection with nature.

Cress – Berro

Microgreens and micro leaves, Versatile in use, easy to grow and grows back after cutting, an excellent food source that requires little cultivation. Actually easy to grow indoors instead of ornamental plants, use beneficial nutritious plant species. I’ve had them in the kitchen before.

The pepperwort tree[1] (Moringa oleifera) – Pepperwort tree
The species is generally considered to be the most useful tree in the world because almost every part of the tree can be used as food or for other useful purposes. Has very high nutritional and medicinal properties of the leaves and fruits of the tree, tree also produces green fruits.
Lavender perennial – Lavanda perenne
Lavender These purple fragrant flowers are known by everyone. The flowers and leaves are edible, you also can make tea from the flower buds, but other uses are more frequent for this Lavender herb plant. It can be placed in the wardrobe against moths or in the room for the wonderful scent. 
Thyme – Tomillo
Thyme herb, Thyme is packed with vitamin C to support your immune system, potassium for healthy cells and manganese for bone development and blood clotting. Thyme is a perennial and likes a dry, poor but airy soil.
Purslane perennial – Verdolaga perenne
Purslane is very suitable for Spain but thrives everywhere very well, it is hardy also heat and drought tolerant and all parts of this plant are edible also the colourful flowers, leaves + stem. Purslane is usually eaten fresh or cooked, and is also prepared in soups or eaten in stews. Purslane contains many vitamins and, many Omega3 fats. Check the regulations before you start planting, because in some regions it is considered an invasive weed plant. Purslane herb are also grown in pots, the plants then hang over the pot, the plant is available in many flower colours and gives the food forest or your garden the necessary colour.
Rose bushes – Rosales
Edible rose bushes yes all those leaves are edible and bring colour and bees into the food forest, but only eat your own unsprayed leaves! Not a herb, but flower plants but not to be missed in the garden. It is also handy that they come back every year and contain spines that you can use as a border against unwanted intruders.
I wish my grandmother was still alive who knew what to do in her space garden about herbs. So of course, the list of herbal plants is much larger, and I need to dig deeper into it, especially local perennials in Spain that grow well and take less work in a food forest. Parsley, Sage perennial, Chamomile perennial, peppermint perennial and so much more to discover. 
Tips about heal powerful herbs dear reader, always welcome!
Mark Shepard started researching alternative agriculture such as food forest in the 1990s, with an extensive video about this.
Tip from grandmother's time: Sanseveria is a useful houseplant to purify the air, and needs little water. This plant is not edible, it is slightly poisonous.

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